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The Egyptian Journal of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine provides a medium for the communication and exchange of current research work and ideas in those fields. It is intended for all involved in intensive medical care and the emergency field, physicians, anesthetists, and surgeons. 

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Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2024 

The Effect of Tracheostomy Timing in Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Mechanical Ventilation

Pages 7-22

Radwa Ashraf Fouda; Ahmed Mohammed Hamed; Mohamed Nasser Elsheikh; Sameh Abdelkhalik Ismaiel; Hala Desouky Ali; Mohamed Abd El Hady Shama

Conventional Oxygen Therapy Versus High Velocity Nasal cannula in patients with acute pulmonary edema

Pages 36-50

Mohammed AbdAlkadar Abo Hamila; Hamdy Mohammed Saber; Mohamed Kamel Mohamed; Ahmed Yassin Mohammed

Indexing and Abstracting